You can participate in Legal Malpractice Law Review as a(n) :
Guest Contributor: if you practice or teach law, are an insurance industry professional and if you have an interest in the area of legal malpractice. Send us your contact information, your CV or your web bio link at your law firm or company. A Guest Contributor is asked to contribute blog topics of interest so that the law students can use th em as discussion topics and can offer their comments.
Student Contributor: if you are or have taken a course in legal malpractice or legal ethics, have worked for a lawyer, law firm or insurance company involved in defending or prosecuting legal malpractice or legal ethics claims.
Expert: if you have served as a consultant or expert witness in a legal malpractice or legal ethics case and would be willing to share the benefit of your experience, send us your contact information, your CV and your web bio link.
Corporate Sponsor: if you believe that we become better lawyers by learning from the mistakes of others and not repeating those mistakes, then please join us so that we can enhance the educational value of the Legal Malpractice Law Review. We’d be grateful for your support.