NJ: No Privity, No Problem
Rathblott v. Levin, 697 F. Supp. 817 (D.C. N.J. 1988) NJ Underlying Probate Action Student Contributor: Christopher S. Henn Facts: The decedent, an attorney, suffered esophageal cancer for ten years ...
Rathblott v. Levin, 697 F. Supp. 817 (D.C. N.J. 1988) NJ Underlying Probate Action Student Contributor: Christopher S. Henn Facts: The decedent, an attorney, suffered esophageal cancer for ten years ...
Rathblott v. Levin, 697 F. Supp. 817 (D.N.J. 1988) NJ: Underlying dispute over a will Student Contributor: Laura Binski Facts: Albert Rathblott (the client) died on October 19, 1979. He ...
Smith v. Math, 984 So.2d 1179 (2007) AL: Underlying collection action Student Contributor: Farah Shahidpour Facts: Attorney, Math, practices law in Alabama. He filed a collection action against Smith in ...
Hofstra Law School Class #6 & 7 (Updated Jan. 8, 2012) Remember the Savings Bank v. Ward decision from Class #1? That case stands for the proposition that there must ...